
Pegasus Epick™ is to packing slips what email was to postal mail. Reduce errors and improve efficiencies by sending packing slips to the warehouse electronically. Epick transforms your picking process making it efficient and virtually error free.

Pickers love Epick because it’s easy to use and makes picking accurately a breeze. Management loves it because it reduces errors, saves time and improves the bottom line.

Epick reduces errors by improving product recognition through the use of barcodes and optionally product images. Pickers simply pick what they scan. Eliminate confusion over packaging and units of measure. Picking screens can be customized to clearly indicate number of cartons, inner packs or pieces the picker needs to pick. Use of pallet, carton and inner pack barcodes can further reduce errors.

Reduce errors and improve employee efficiency with Pegasus Epick.

Epick reduces "sneaker traffic" in the warehouse be automatically directing pickers on their shortest trip through the warehouse. Optimize your warehouse layout by relocating fast moving items to convenient locations.

Shortages are captured by the picker in real-time and optionally verified at the packing stage. This eliminates the need for invoicing personnel to pour over stacks of packing slips adjusting orders prior to invoicing.

In addition to picking, Pegasus Epick supports inventory management, receiving and put away, picking and packing, location management, reporting, label printing, and more.